
Unexpected call

On Monday we had our normal P-day, bought our groceries, emailed our parents, we even went to this panic place and I had the spiciest noodles I have very had in my life. My face was sweating but they were so good. The restaurant was so grimy. Bad day to go there for lunch...Then that same night we received a text from the assistants telling that we were not allowed to go out that night or the next day. Elder Cooper and I cleaned the house, made some good din, and set up our new hammocks out in the front. I was feeling sick, and mostly in the CR at this time. We were then hanging out and the neighbors come by and say "Elders the province is now going on lockdown, nobody can leave or enter the province." Elder Cooper and I were confused so we contacted the assistants and they didn't have a clue about what was going home. 10:30, president calls - "Good evening elders sorry to wake you.. what do you know about the lockdown in Abra?" "we just heard it from


Hey everyone! So missionary work has been affected a little bit due to the chaos. Kinda crazy hey? Like they are cancelling everything now. Elder Cooper and I are kinda bummed cause we are having a great time here in Banacao. The members here are super helpful and the people are awesome. We pull the same jokes on them like everyday while they are just sitting around and they laugh every time.  We went on exchanges this week, I worked in the most dangerous part of the mish. It's pretty corrupt there, the governor lives there and has this mansion, a maclaren, lamb, rarri. Super rich, then the rest of the people live in these shacks. Idk how the government works, but something doesn't seem right. Its super political here too. People get shot all the time. Corona has been kind of a cringe, everyone is freaking out about it. We had to go to the grocery store to buy a 2 week stock of food, we waited in line for 4 hours to buy it. The people are like closing other stores and atms are

Abra bra

Hello everyone! I was transferred! I'm now in Bangued :) It is my 4th area. and might be my last area! I'm gonna miss Bauang but Bangued is a place I wanted to experience before I go home. I'm with my MTC companion Elder Cooper! We kinda joked around with president to put us together, then it became true! We were so surprised! Our area is the furthest north in the mission in a province called Abra. It is like all Ilokano speaking but most of the people understand Tagalog. Elder Cooper and I are tackling the 2nd language. haha its really hard though. It's like learning Spanish on your mission and then learning German too. The languages are the same family but pretty far off. The members here are awesome, we live in the same community as them in this small cement house. I got shafted pretty hard for the houses in the mission but it's okay. We are about a 30 min tryke ride from town/church haha. The members here have so much faith though it is awesome to meet a

Tobacco Leaves

So it was a really good week. Transfers is soon and my time with Elder Fillo has flown. We have had a good time together. Feels like yesterday we were both brand new to the area after is got white washed. We have seen lots of miracles and met some awesome people.  We have been working with a bunch of teenagers from 12-17. they youth had a valentines activity and they have made friends with some of them that we have been teaching. It is a huge help to us if the members are doing their part.  Some of them accepted the invitation to be baptized in march! so we are excited for that, they understand all that we teach. Of course they were surprised about the word of wisdom but have been living it :) prayer has played a big role in helping them . We have been with Elder McAllister, and will be until the end of the transfer. He's a good addition to the companionship :) Funny story, earlier today we got together with some missionaries and played frisbee on the beach, and as

bukid bundok biking - Feb 10

Hey everyone! This was a solid week for me and Elder Fillo! We started this week out doing exchanges with our district leader and it was a great day. We had a fun time biking to the far areas and meeting some interesting people. One girl we met had a bunch of "text mates" we watched her facetime them and their all in Pakistan and India hahah one guy was like 50 and driving some weird bike in India and she was talking to him for some reason. None of my business I guess. We taught her the restoration and she found it interesting that we would come so far to just share a message with no salary./ hahah I understood why she thought it was weird. Then Wednesday we had some more exchanges with my guy Elder McAllister. His personality reminds me of Carson. A really good guy. He's from Australia and one of the coolest I've met in the mish. He has been struggling a little bit with his comp and so it was nice to focus on him and what he has been learning on his mission. I

Corrupt USB - Feb 2

Hey everyone ! another week down, I learned a lot of things this week.  We have been working closely with these 2 fourteen year olds, Angelo and Shiaka, Angelo's grandfather is a returning member and Shiaka is Angelo's cousin? (somehow related) They understand the things we have been teaching and asking lots of questions especially about the fall. It's my favourite to teach so its been enjoyable. They have been attending church.  We got bikes! Some Elders in my zone were not using them so we just snagged them. So nice!! We have been going up the mountain into the far areas now and meeting some cool people.  So I bought a new USB the other day for my camera. I plug it in and realize there's something already on it. I thought "this is brand new, how could there be something on it?" realize it's music and i plug it into my speaker. Black eyed peas, avril lavigne, Carly Rae Jepsen, and all the hits from the early 2000's hahaha i died. Only in Asia

Kulangot - Jan 26

Hey everyone! This week was good, we had another good week of walking around Bauang. We have been teaching some 14 year olds that have been coming to church, sometimes they are a lot easier to teach than the older people. They understand the need for the restoration. So that has been cool, they are really shy though, the members have been helping us to help them feel more welcome.  We have found some less actives again that were offended by some members! It's pretty common here. It's sad though because I'm convinced if you have a testimony of Jesus Christ, of the Book of Mormon then no matter what anyone does or says you will still be faithful. SO it was a good opportunity to help them gain that faith back and invite them to read the Book of Mormon again. I have a really strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and it has been our main focus when teaching people.  Thinking about what I'm gonna do when I get home, even though it's kinda far away still, stressin